Restaurant “Tomato”
In our opinion, a visit to this restaurant is a must in Langkawi. If you come once you will get addicted and will come for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Unquestionably, Malay Roti with meat sauce is the best dish.
Another type of food you should try here is Naan. It is a flatbread cooked on walls of a tandoor, an oven shaped like a barrel. Hot walls of a tandoor allow the bread to stick until it is ready. Naan can be cooked with cheese or chicken.
Try the sweet flatbread, a kind of Roti with condensed milk and hot Malay tea with milk for dessert..
We also recommend Roti Canai, a simple flatbread with chicken sauce; Cheese Naan, a flatbread with cheese cooked in the oven; Roti Susu, a flatbread with condensed milk and hot Malay tea.